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Tuesday 25 January 2011

How to make Cropcircle 10 steps/Cara membuat crop circle dengan 10 langkah

Crop circles (a generic term for the phenomenon of flattened plants) form in many areas of the world, with visual effects ranging from irregular shapes to amazing geometric patterns. The source of their formation is surrounded by controversy (see How to Explain Crop Circles), but there are some crop circles out there that have definitely been made by people. If you've ever wanted to explore making crop circles as a skill and an art form, here's how!

Crop circles (sebuah fenomena pada tanaman-tanaman yang merunduk atau membentuk pola) terbetuk di banyak tempat di Dunia, dengan efek fisual jarak jauh, dan membentuk gambar-gambar yang tidak biasa ampe bentuk geometris yang luar biasa. Bentuk-bentuk itu pada dasarnya diselimuti kontroversi, tapi ada juga crop circle yang dibuat oleh manusia. jika kamu mau memahami cara membuat crop circle sebagai sebuah kemampuan seni, Ini dia!....

Choose a legal location for your crop circle. Obtain permission from the land owner before you start planning. Ideal choices are sloped fields that rise from public vantage points (a road for instance), or even an amphitheater-like valley.

1. Sebelum buat crop circle, pilih tempat dulu. MINTA IZIN! ama yang punya itu tempat, syukur ngasih sesajen (satu dus bungkus rokok wkwkwkwk....), tempat idelnya adalah sawah deket jalan mobil. tuh kan bener.

Touching circles form a basic design.
Touching circles form a basic design.
Plan your crop circle using a large scale map, to ensure access for both you and your audience.

Plot your straight-line or circular design. Mark on the map the directions you will be flattening, to avoid visible signs of passage (inexperienced circle makers can spoil a design by leaving stripes like a lawnmower would).
Initial access is normally through existing farm tracks and trails, so note the position of them before you start.

2. Rencanain Crop Circle kamu menggunakan peta yang gede, buat mastiin orang-orang bisa ngeliat itu crop circle.

buat dulu dasarnya dengan bentuk lurus ato bulet. tandai petanya. cari tempat dimana kamu bisa lewat ke tanda itu biasanya deket jalan setapak sawah dimana para petani jalan disitu.

True non-disc curves are much harder to achieve, and rarely if ever witnessed.
True non-disc curves are much harder to achieve, and rarely if ever witnessed.
Create your design on computer, and make amendments until you have the design you can be proud of
Use inspiration from state-of-the-art designs as seen on the internet (see External Links).
Practicing shape-making in the field will only result in people seeing your mistakes.
Start simple: consider making your first crop circle from an arrangement of discs in a geometric formation. More advanced curved lines can be created by overlapping partial circular arcs.

3. Buat disain gambar crop circle mu menggunakan Komputer, dan buat se-ajib mungkin.
Mending nyari inspirasi dari internet. Latihan membuat bentuk itu di sawah punya orang bakalan bikin orang marah kalo gak minta izin dulu.
jadi mending pertama-tama buat crop circle itu dengan formasi yang udah diatur dari bentuk luar ke dalem. Kalo bentuk yang agak melengkung bisa di buat dengan overlapping partial circular arcs.<--cari di google

4.Equip each member with the equipment listed under Things You'll Need.

4. lengkapi setiap orang yang mau bikin crop circle ato anggota kamu dengan perlengkapan yang kamu perlukan
  • A light plank (4-6 feet in length) with a rope (10-12 feet) knotted through holes in each end. Alternatively, you may prefer to buy a light garden roller from a garden centre.
  • A surveryors reel measuring tape as it doesnt stretch. Rope or nylon can be used but may stretch and make wobbly edges to circles.
  • Marking poles - paint tips white to aid visibility at night
  • Protractor for measuring angles
  • Measuring tape (100 ft)
  • Night-vision goggles (kacamata yang bisa melihat dalam gelap) (optional) - your eyes adjust to complete dark in 20 minutes.
  • Laser-pointer to assist placing markers (optional)
  • A really good imagination! (rdn)
 5.Once in the field, use measurements to place markers exactly. Your friends can help you place markers, make line-of-sight calculations, and lay the rope to mark areas for flattening

5. Saat di sawah, gunakan alat ukur, untuk menandai tempat-tempat secara tepat sasaran. Teman mu bisa bantu kamu, buat line-of-sight calculatons<---cari di google, dan simpen tali di tempat itu sebagai tanda buat mendatarkan padi-padinya.

Using construction lines to make more complex shapes.
Using construction lines to make more complex shapes.
Make construction lines by laying rope outlines to shapes. Then flatten circles at the intersection points. To make the shown example formation, create a rope outline of a equilateral triangle, and create flattened circles at the triangle corners. Avoid flattening over the rope, to create an implied triangle.
6. buat construction lines dengan cara menyimpan tambang di bentuk luar. (ane kurang ngerti nih) jadi intinya tali itu adalah sebagai garis batas untuk membentuk crop circle..jadi kalo bulat talinya juga harus bulat..nah waktu bikin padinya datar jangan ampe ngebuat datar yang diluar garis ato tali tersebut NOTE: Tali yang dimaksud bukan tali rapia..tapi tali yang lebih padat dan kuat kayak tali tambang ato  TALI KOLOR LU (ekekekek).

There are two methods commonly used to flatten:
  • Plank Flattening - use a roped plank (see Things You'll Need) to flatten by holding the rope or looping it over your shoulders. Press forwards and down by keeping one foot on the plank. Advance using a shuffling gait.
  • Using a roller - some circlemakers prefer using a light roller (available from garden centers) to speed up flattening.
7. ada dua metode buat ngedatarin padi.
     * Plank Flattening- menggunakan tali plank<--cari di google untuk ngedatarin si padi dengan menarik tali atau mengikatnya di bahu. Tarik ke atas dan kebawah talinya (kalo dalam bayangan ane nih, si tali di bentangkang dari ujung ke ujung trus lu tarik jadi kan datar ato bengkok tuh..sisanya yang gak bengkok lu injek2...kayaknya gitu deh hehe ngasal)

     * menggunakan stum dorong- beberapa pembuat crop cirlce lebih enak menngunakan ini (tersedia di toko kebun dan dijual terpisah hehe) buat mempercepat pendataran.

Keep on flattening until you have completed your design and have a really nice, well-made complex formation.

8. Terus datarin tuh sawah ampe bener-bener selese bentuk disain kamu yang ajib, bahasa gaulnya.. ajibun complek formesen alias bentuk yang rumit.

Wait for the media to spot the new formation. This may take several days, or you can speed the process by making an anonymous call. A good design will provide local newspapers with many column-inches of speculation.

9. Tunggu ampe berita nyiarin bentuk crop circle lu. Mungkin perlu beberapa hari, ato kamu bisa mempercepat proses-nya dengan menelepon. Bentuk yang menarik bakalan membuat koran lokal memberitakan beberapa kolom dengan spekulasi-spekulasi UFO.

Ask local pilots if they can try and help your research by photographing for you when passing and leave them your email address.

10. Tanya Ojek PILOT setempat apakah mereka bisa dimintai tolong buat nganterin kamu melihat crop circle mu dari atas, jangan lupa kirim email. Gak deng jadi apakan pilot setempat mau buat Poto crop circle mu trus minta gambarnya dengan cara kirim lewat email..
Sip Ane rasa cukup sekian and Thanks to you reader

Gmabar-Gambar crop circle

Crop circles in the UK.
Crop circles in the UK

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