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Monday, 30 April 2012

Agan-Agan pernah denger Atlantis atau Lemuria, yang katanya benua dengan teknologi serba canggih dan maju. Nah artikel kali ini Ane mau menjelaskan tentang Benua atau Kota yang diyakini pernah ada Jaman Dulu tapi "Hilang" keberadaannya. CHECK IT OUT

"Lost Land" atau Tanah yang Hilang adalah benua, pulau-pulau atau daerah lain diyakini pernah ada selama prasejarah, tetapi mereka ini "hilang" karena hilang akibat dari fenomena geologi bencana atau naiknya permukaan air laut sejak akhir Zaman Es terakhir . Keberadaan tanah yang hilang ini diperkirakan telah tenggelam ke dasar laut, meninggalkan hanya beberapa jejak atau legenda dimana mereka diketahui. Istilah ini juga diperluas di dalam  ilmu Mitologi umum. Kenapa  tanah yang hilang diklasifikasikan dengan benua, pulau, atau daerah lain dalam beberapa kasus subjektif, misalnya, Atlantis  digambarkan dengan baik sebagai "Pulau yang Hilang" atau "benua Yang hilang". Teori tanah yang hilang kemungkinan berasal dari mitologi atau filsafat, dan teori-teori ilmiah seperti teori bencana geologi, yang nantinya bisa di tulis oleh siapapun atau penulis di luar akademisi. Okultisme dan  New Age writters banyak bercerita tentang tanah yang hilang, seperti halnya penduduk pribumi seperti Tamil di India. 


Many western cultures have myths of lost lands, where once lived our great ancestors. Typical is Lyonesse, a fabled land once said to exist between Land’s End and the Scilly Isles, off the British coast. 
On this land stood the city of Lions and some 140 churches. Folk tales, and later poets such as Tennyson, kept the fable alive by associating it with King Arthur. Thought to be the place of his birth, his death has also been associated with the lost land. Logically, it seems the fable arose from its association with the Breton town St-Pol-de-Leon, know to the Roman’s as Leo’s Castle


Jadi di atas menjelaskan bahwa pernah di sebutkan tentang dongeng Lyonessse sebuah kerajaan yang dihuni oleh Singa dan 140 gereja. letaknya antara Land's End dan Kepulauan Scilly (Lihat Gambar). Cerita ini menyebar oleh penyair Tennyson karena dihubungkan dengan Raja Arthur (Inggris) sebagai tempat lahirnya, juga tempat kematiannya. Secara logikanya sih ini bisa dijelaskan, cerita ini diasosiasikan dengan St- Pol- De Leon, atau orang-orang roma menyebutnya Leo's Castle. 


Another such fable concerns Atland. First coming to popular attention in 1848, when antiquarian Cornelius Over de Linden first produced his Pera Linda Book, Atland is said to be an ancient land off the Dutch Frisian coast. With a sub-tropical climate and well advanced, happy population, a catastrophe struck in 2l93BC, destroying the land. Survivors went on to travel the world, founding Egyptian, Greek and Indian civilisations. The Oera Linda Book was written on cotton paper and de Linden claimed it came from 1256, copied from an even older work. Published in 1876, many people consider it a fraud.

Atland, populer di tahun 1848 saat seorang antiquarian Cornelius Over de Linden membuat buku Pera Linda Book, Atland disebutkan sebagai kota tua dari The Dutch Frisian Coast, dengan iklim sub-tropikal, maju dan damai. lalu sebuah tabrakan yang meluluhlantahkan menghancurkan kota itu, kota itu hancur pada tahun 2193 Before Christ (BC), orang-orang yang selamat pergi mengelilingi dunia, mendirikan peradaban Mesir, Yunani dan India. The Oera Linda Book ditulis di kertas kapas dan de Linden mengkalim bahwa bukunya ini berasal dari tahun 1256, di Copy dari buku yang lebih jadul dan diterbitkan tahun 1876, banyak orang menganggap buku ini BOHONG. (tapi namanya mirip-mirip atlantis nih broo)


Some lost lands are more modern, and said to be rationally theorised to have existed. For instance, there is a problem with a primitive group of primates called lemurs. They are found only on Madagascar, off the African coast. But they have close relatives in the bushbabies of Africa and the lorises of India. Prior to the understanding of continental drift, zoologists realised this was mysterious. How could such closely related species appear an ocean apart? The problem was first tackled in the 19th century by English zoologist Philip Sclater, who argued for a lost continent, which he called Lemuria.

In the 1870s, the idea was taken up by the likes of Huxley and Wallace, leading scientists of their day. Ernst Haeckel even went so far as to suggest Lemuria could be the origin of humankind. Mystics soon got into the act regarding this new ‘Garden of Eden’. Among them was Madame Blavatsky. Contacting her psychic ethereal beings, they told her that there had existed on Lemuria the Third Root Race of humanity. At this stage of their evolution they were brutish apes, Lemuria finally being destroyed in a cataclysm before humanity advanced and moved on to Atlantis. However, even though continental drift may explain the distribution of the lemurs, some still believe in the existence of this lost continent.

Lemuria adalah peradaban yang sangat maju, secara rasional dapat dijelaskan dan pernah ADA. Buktinya, bahwa ada masalah dengan sekumpulang primata yang dinamakan Lemurs. Mereka hanya bisa ditemukan di Madagaskar, jauh di pesisir Afrika. tapi mereka memiliki hubungan dengan Bushbabies ( nama primata atau monyet) dari Afrika dan Lorises ( nama monyet) dari India. Jika di lihat Menurut teori pergeseran benua, pakar zoologi menyadai bahwa ini sangat misterius. Kok bisa gitu species yang berkerabat dekat malah terpisah jauh? masalah ini bantah pada abad ke-19 oleh zoologi asal inggris Philip Sclater, yang membantah tentang benua yang hilang, benua itu bernama Lemuria. 

Di tahun 1870-an, idenya di ambil oleh orang-orang yang menyukai hal ini Huxley dan Wallace, ilmuan handal saat itu. Ernst Haeckel bahkan berpendapat bahwa Lemuria mungkin awal dari peradaban Manusia. Mystics(orang-orang yang percaya mistik) mengambil aksi atas berita ini 'Garden of Eden'. diantara mereka adalah Madame Blavatsky. yang telah berinteraksi dengan roh, dia berkata bahwa Lemuria adalah  the The Third Root Race of Humanity (Asal muasal manusia yang ke tiga). Tahapan dari evolusi, mereka dulunya adalah Bruthis Apes (Kera?), Lemuria akhirnya hancur sebelum lebih maju dan pindah ke Atlantis. Akan tetapi, walaupun teori pergeseran benua dapat menjelaskan penyebaran Lemurs, beberapa masih percaya bahwa Lemuria pernah ada.

MU = Lemuria

A further lost land is Mu, which, according to former Bengal Lancer, Col James Churchward, existed in the Pacific Ocean. Claiming to have found evidence in 1870 from clay tablets found in India, man first appeared here 200,000 years ago, advancing to a civilisation of ten tribes with some sixty million people. Also gaining knowledge from trance visits to previous lives, Churchward never produced any real evidence, but argued that the truth was found in legends throughout the world. Like Atlantis, Mu disappeared about 12,000 years ago following volcanic eruptions and tidal waves.

MU (Machester United kali eheheh gw gak tau bacanya) adalah salah satu benua yang hilang, menurut mantan Bengal Lancer ( atlet kuda tombak), Col James Churchward, Mu pernah ada di Samudra Pasifik. Dia juga mengklaim teleh menemukan bukti di tahun 1870 dari Tablet tanah liat yand dia temukan di India, Manusia pertama ada sejak 200.000 tahun lalu, memajukan 10 peradaban dengan 60 juta jiwa. Mereka juga mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang kembali ke masa lalu, Churchward gak pernah memperlihatkan bukti yang nyata, Mu "hilang" sekitar 12.000 tahun lalu karena Gunung Meletus dan Tsunami.


Shambhala was immortalised in the western mind by the hit film, Lost Horizon, based in the fantastic and mystical lost world of Shangri-la. A mythical land in many eastern traditions, it is most famously associated with the mysticism of Tibet. Shambhala is itself sanskrit for ‘the Source of Happiness’, as interpreted by Tibetan monks. In mythology it is a land hidden by a huge ring of snow-capped mountains. The kingdom itself is said to be shaped as an eight-petalled lotus blossom. The capital of Shambhala is said to be Kalapa, itself surrounded by a second ring of mountains. The inhabitants of Shambhala are said to be extremely healthy, wealthy and wise, having lived for hundreds of years in beautiful, gold-topped pagodas.

Shambhala di doktrinkan di barat dengan sebuah film rame, Lost Horizon, film ini diambil berdasarkan cerita dunia fantasi dan Mistik Shangri-la. Sebuah Dunia mistic yang banyak diketahui oleh orang-orang barat, terkenal karena dihubung-hubungkan dengan kemistikan Tibet. Shambala itu sendiri sanskrit untuk ' The Source of Happiness', seperti yang telah di interpretasikan oleh para Biksu di Tibet. Di mitos Shambala dikatakan sebagai sebagai dunia yang tersembunyi yang dikelilingi gunung-gunung besar bersalju. Istananya sendiri katanya berbentuk 8 daun lotus ( mirip cerita Sun Go Kong). Ibukota Shambala bernama Kalapa, yang katanya juga dikelilingi oleh gunung es. Habitat shambala sendiri katanya sangat sehat, subur dan makmur, hidup selama ratusan tahun dengan indah di dalam pagoda emas.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Ark of the Covenant is described in the Bible as a sacred container, wherein rested the Tablets of stone containing the Ten Commandments as well as other sacred Israelite pieces. According to the Biblical account, the Ark was built at the command of God, in accord with Moses' prophetic vision on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:9-10). God communicated with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover (Exodus 25:22). The Ark and its sanctuary were "the beauty of Israel" (Lamentations 2:1). Rashi and some Midrashim suggest that there were two arks - a temporary one made by Moses, and a later one made by Bezalel (Hertz 1936) 

The Biblical account relates that during the trip of the Israelites, the Ark was carried by the priests ~2,000 cubits (Numbers 35:5; Joshua 4:5) in advance of the people and their army or host (Num. 4:5-6; 10:33-36; Psalms 68:1; 132:8). When the Ark was borne by priests into the bed of the Jordan, the river was separated, opening a pathway for the whole of the host to pass over (Josh. 3:15-16; 4:7-18). The Ark was borne in a seven day procession around the wall of Jericho by three priests sounding seven trumpets of rams' horns, the city taken with a shout (Josh. 6:4-20). When carried, the Ark was always wrapped in a veil, in tachash skins (the identity of this animal is uncertain), and a blue cloth, and was carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the Levites who carried it. 

No ancient relic causes so much controversy as the Ark of the Covenant. The subject of Spielberg’s ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, featuring the intrepid Indiana Jones, the film does not exaggerate the passions the mystery of its location and power entails. Believed to have been constructed from acacia wood by Moses on Mount Sinai about 1250BC, the wooden chest is overlain with solid gold on both the inside and outside. 3ft 9in long and 2ft 3in wide and high, it has a lid of solid gold with a pair of cherubim. Gold rings attached to the Ark’s sides allow poles to pass through to be carried. 


Built according to Divine instructions, the Ark carried the two tablets upon which God scribed the Ten Commandments. Symbolic of the covenant God made between Himself and the people of Israel, it was said to be the focus of God’s presence. Carried by Levites, members of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, it always went ahead of the Israelites as they wandered through the desert, even going ahead of their armies as they waged war. When camped, the Ark was placed at the centre of a temporary sanctuary known as the Tabernacle. This centre became known as the Holy of Holies. Once the Promised Land was conquered and the Temple constructed at Jerusalem, the Ark was placed in the Holy of Holies of the temple. In this respect we can see the Ark as the central symbol of faith. Some mystical Jews have even drawn an analogy of the Ark, with its two tablets inside, with the brain and its two cerebral hemispheres. The Ark remained the centre of their religion until after the Exile to Babylon in the 6th century BC. 


Today there are two central mysteries concerning the Ark of the Covenant - namely, where is it, and what strange powers did it have? The former enigma comes from its remarkable history. According to the Old Testament, some time around 1000BC the Ark was captured by the Philistines. For reasons we will narrate later, they eventually let it go, sending it away strapped to a cart pulled by two cows. Reclaimed by the Israelites, they took it to Kiriath¬ Jearim, with King David eventually taking it to Jerusalem. Here, in 955BC, King Solomon placed it in the Holy of Holies of the first Temple. At one stage one tradition speaks of it being stolen by Menelik, son of Solomon and Sheba and taken to Axum in Ethiopia. Another tradition speaks of it being taken by the prophet Jeremiah to an unknown cave prior to the Babylonian destruction of the Temple in 587BC. What exactly happened is not known - it could have been simply destroyed - but the Ark was never seen again. 


There are several theories concerning the location of the Ark. In 1952 a scroll known as the Copper Scroll was found near the caves at Qumran where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The scroll purportedly contains a list of sacred items that used to reside in Herod the Great’s second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70AD. Among the listed items, it is thought, is the Ark. This discovery eventually fascinated American archaeologist Vendyl Jones. As director of the Institute for Judaic Christian Rsearch in Texas, Jones, who claims to be the real Indiana Jones, led an expedition to the area in March 1992. Claiming to have unearthed incense from the Temple, in May the Israeli Antiquities Authority suddenly stopped the excavation without explanation. Could the Ark be buried near Qumran? Graham Hancock thinks not. According to him, the Ark remained in the Temple at Jerusalem until about 650BC. 


At this time Judea was ruled by a pagan king called Manasseh. Fearing he would destroy the Ark, the priests clandestinely removed it to a new temple in Elephantine in Egypt. In 410BC this temple was destroyed. Rescued, Hancock claims the Ark was taken to Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and in 350AD to Axum. Being placed in a specially constructed Church of St Mary of Zion, except for minor removals during medieval times, it has remained there ever since. To this day the church is guarded by a single monk known as the guardian of the Ark, spending his entire lifetime protecting the relic and allowing no one inside. Whether the real Ark is really in the church, no one knows, but certainly a replica of the Ark exists here, and is carried in procession once a year during the feast of Timkat. However, apart from the mystery of its location, just as intriguing are powers that are said to be invested in the Ark. 


The Old Testament speaks clearly of the Divine power of the Ark. When captured by the Philistines, they quickly got rid of it when they came down with a terrifying plague which caused cancerous tumours. At Jericho the Ark was marched around the walls, and it is said to have been its power that caused the walls to fall down. Others who inadvertently touched it were instantly killed, and only a chosen few could manage to carry it on its poles, well over a hundred yards ahead of the people. Moses himself is said to have had a face that shined, and usually wore a cowl, after building the Ark. Due to such powers, many theories have been offered as to what the Ark really was. Some even believe it was actually a small nuclear reactor, hence the cancerous boils, Moses’s ‘radiation effects’ and its seemingly miraculous power. 


Of course, easy answers can be placed on the powers of the Ark. It is well accepted that the walls of Jericho fell due to earthquake activity. Similarly, belief in its power was all that was needed for the Philistines to imagine disaster, possibly even causing some form of hysterically induced poltergeist activity. As for the dangers of boils from being too close to the Ark, suggestion can easily cause illness in such a superstitious culture. Curses are known to happen in many primitive societies, based on the absolute belief that a curse can work. But all this is irrelevant to the real power of the Ark. Thought of as the throne for the earthly power of an invisible God, it represented the very centre of faith to the people who birthed the idea of monotheism. In this, sense, whether real or imagined, the Ark of Covenant remains an icon of world-changing proportions. And there is no greater power than this.

Pockie Ninja