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Sunday, 30 January 2011


Demikian banyak jiwa baik
di dunia ini yang sedang galau
dan kecil hati mengenai
masa depan mereka.

...Mereka berdiri
di bawah sinar yang salah,
sehingga mereka melihat diri sendiri
sebagai korban,
yang harus selalu kalah,
yang tidak bernasib baik,
dan yang tidak boleh
mengharapkan lebih baik
dari sedikit yang telah diberikan
oleh orang lain.

Semoga Tuhan memampukan kita
untuk membesarkan hati sesama.

Mario Teguh


Jadilah pribadi beriman,
dan biasakanlah diri Anda
untuk bekerja dengan

yang menjadikan
keberhasilan Anda tidak bisa ditahan.


Berfokuslah pada satu hal
atau kemampuan yang menjadikan
Anda pribadi yang bernilai.


Tenggelamlah dalam ketertarikan
yang hebat untuk menjadi ahli.


Setia kepada keteraturan untuk
melakukan yang menghebatkan Anda.

Mario Teguh – Kaca Mata Kud

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

How to make Cropcircle 10 steps/Cara membuat crop circle dengan 10 langkah

Crop circles (a generic term for the phenomenon of flattened plants) form in many areas of the world, with visual effects ranging from irregular shapes to amazing geometric patterns. The source of their formation is surrounded by controversy (see How to Explain Crop Circles), but there are some crop circles out there that have definitely been made by people. If you've ever wanted to explore making crop circles as a skill and an art form, here's how!

Crop circles (sebuah fenomena pada tanaman-tanaman yang merunduk atau membentuk pola) terbetuk di banyak tempat di Dunia, dengan efek fisual jarak jauh, dan membentuk gambar-gambar yang tidak biasa ampe bentuk geometris yang luar biasa. Bentuk-bentuk itu pada dasarnya diselimuti kontroversi, tapi ada juga crop circle yang dibuat oleh manusia. jika kamu mau memahami cara membuat crop circle sebagai sebuah kemampuan seni, Ini dia!....

Choose a legal location for your crop circle. Obtain permission from the land owner before you start planning. Ideal choices are sloped fields that rise from public vantage points (a road for instance), or even an amphitheater-like valley.

1. Sebelum buat crop circle, pilih tempat dulu. MINTA IZIN! ama yang punya itu tempat, syukur ngasih sesajen (satu dus bungkus rokok wkwkwkwk....), tempat idelnya adalah sawah deket jalan mobil. tuh kan bener.

Touching circles form a basic design.
Touching circles form a basic design.
Plan your crop circle using a large scale map, to ensure access for both you and your audience.

Plot your straight-line or circular design. Mark on the map the directions you will be flattening, to avoid visible signs of passage (inexperienced circle makers can spoil a design by leaving stripes like a lawnmower would).
Initial access is normally through existing farm tracks and trails, so note the position of them before you start.

2. Rencanain Crop Circle kamu menggunakan peta yang gede, buat mastiin orang-orang bisa ngeliat itu crop circle.

buat dulu dasarnya dengan bentuk lurus ato bulet. tandai petanya. cari tempat dimana kamu bisa lewat ke tanda itu biasanya deket jalan setapak sawah dimana para petani jalan disitu.

True non-disc curves are much harder to achieve, and rarely if ever witnessed.
True non-disc curves are much harder to achieve, and rarely if ever witnessed.
Create your design on computer, and make amendments until you have the design you can be proud of
Use inspiration from state-of-the-art designs as seen on the internet (see External Links).
Practicing shape-making in the field will only result in people seeing your mistakes.
Start simple: consider making your first crop circle from an arrangement of discs in a geometric formation. More advanced curved lines can be created by overlapping partial circular arcs.

3. Buat disain gambar crop circle mu menggunakan Komputer, dan buat se-ajib mungkin.
Mending nyari inspirasi dari internet. Latihan membuat bentuk itu di sawah punya orang bakalan bikin orang marah kalo gak minta izin dulu.
jadi mending pertama-tama buat crop circle itu dengan formasi yang udah diatur dari bentuk luar ke dalem. Kalo bentuk yang agak melengkung bisa di buat dengan overlapping partial circular arcs.<--cari di google

4.Equip each member with the equipment listed under Things You'll Need.

4. lengkapi setiap orang yang mau bikin crop circle ato anggota kamu dengan perlengkapan yang kamu perlukan
  • A light plank (4-6 feet in length) with a rope (10-12 feet) knotted through holes in each end. Alternatively, you may prefer to buy a light garden roller from a garden centre.
  • A surveryors reel measuring tape as it doesnt stretch. Rope or nylon can be used but may stretch and make wobbly edges to circles.
  • Marking poles - paint tips white to aid visibility at night
  • Protractor for measuring angles
  • Measuring tape (100 ft)
  • Night-vision goggles (kacamata yang bisa melihat dalam gelap) (optional) - your eyes adjust to complete dark in 20 minutes.
  • Laser-pointer to assist placing markers (optional)
  • A really good imagination! (rdn)
 5.Once in the field, use measurements to place markers exactly. Your friends can help you place markers, make line-of-sight calculations, and lay the rope to mark areas for flattening

5. Saat di sawah, gunakan alat ukur, untuk menandai tempat-tempat secara tepat sasaran. Teman mu bisa bantu kamu, buat line-of-sight calculatons<---cari di google, dan simpen tali di tempat itu sebagai tanda buat mendatarkan padi-padinya.

Using construction lines to make more complex shapes.
Using construction lines to make more complex shapes.
Make construction lines by laying rope outlines to shapes. Then flatten circles at the intersection points. To make the shown example formation, create a rope outline of a equilateral triangle, and create flattened circles at the triangle corners. Avoid flattening over the rope, to create an implied triangle.
6. buat construction lines dengan cara menyimpan tambang di bentuk luar. (ane kurang ngerti nih) jadi intinya tali itu adalah sebagai garis batas untuk membentuk crop circle..jadi kalo bulat talinya juga harus bulat..nah waktu bikin padinya datar jangan ampe ngebuat datar yang diluar garis ato tali tersebut NOTE: Tali yang dimaksud bukan tali rapia..tapi tali yang lebih padat dan kuat kayak tali tambang ato  TALI KOLOR LU (ekekekek).

There are two methods commonly used to flatten:
  • Plank Flattening - use a roped plank (see Things You'll Need) to flatten by holding the rope or looping it over your shoulders. Press forwards and down by keeping one foot on the plank. Advance using a shuffling gait.
  • Using a roller - some circlemakers prefer using a light roller (available from garden centers) to speed up flattening.
7. ada dua metode buat ngedatarin padi.
     * Plank Flattening- menggunakan tali plank<--cari di google untuk ngedatarin si padi dengan menarik tali atau mengikatnya di bahu. Tarik ke atas dan kebawah talinya (kalo dalam bayangan ane nih, si tali di bentangkang dari ujung ke ujung trus lu tarik jadi kan datar ato bengkok tuh..sisanya yang gak bengkok lu injek2...kayaknya gitu deh hehe ngasal)

     * menggunakan stum dorong- beberapa pembuat crop cirlce lebih enak menngunakan ini (tersedia di toko kebun dan dijual terpisah hehe) buat mempercepat pendataran.

Keep on flattening until you have completed your design and have a really nice, well-made complex formation.

8. Terus datarin tuh sawah ampe bener-bener selese bentuk disain kamu yang ajib, bahasa gaulnya.. ajibun complek formesen alias bentuk yang rumit.

Wait for the media to spot the new formation. This may take several days, or you can speed the process by making an anonymous call. A good design will provide local newspapers with many column-inches of speculation.

9. Tunggu ampe berita nyiarin bentuk crop circle lu. Mungkin perlu beberapa hari, ato kamu bisa mempercepat proses-nya dengan menelepon. Bentuk yang menarik bakalan membuat koran lokal memberitakan beberapa kolom dengan spekulasi-spekulasi UFO.

Ask local pilots if they can try and help your research by photographing for you when passing and leave them your email address.

10. Tanya Ojek PILOT setempat apakah mereka bisa dimintai tolong buat nganterin kamu melihat crop circle mu dari atas, jangan lupa kirim email. Gak deng jadi apakan pilot setempat mau buat Poto crop circle mu trus minta gambarnya dengan cara kirim lewat email..
Sip Ane rasa cukup sekian and Thanks to you reader

Gmabar-Gambar crop circle

Crop circles in the UK.
Crop circles in the UK

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Berdoa lah Sebelum di Doakan

Mudah bagi siapa pun
untuk melupakan Tuhan
dan bahkan menganggap
bahwa dirinya telah cukup,
saat semuanya aman dan lancar.
dalam kesulitan yang ancamannya
sangat nyata terhadap kebaikan nama
dan keselamatan jiwanya,
tidak ada orang yang bagaimana pun
kerontangnya hatinya dari iman,
yang tidak akan secara rahasia
berdoa kepada Tuhan.

Marilah kita berdoa,
sebelum berdoa dipaksakan atas kita.

Mario Teguh

Anting-anting The magical Amulet

Well, mungkin kalian pernah mendengar kata anting-anting yang kalo dalam bahasa Indonesianya ya anting, tapi antingnya banyak jadi disebut anting-anting : D...artinya bukan itu sih, tapi ane pernah denger kata anting-anting dari ortu...ane pikir sih anting yang di kuping jadi ya gak terlalu dianggap...

Tapi tahukah kamu bahwa Anting-anting itu bukanlah benda sejenis anting yang saya jelaskan di atas....Mereka memiliki kekuatan magisn penuh rahasia dan...cekidot

I only know what my father told me. "Anting Anting" was some sort of object that was supposed to provide some kind of protection and possibly give you some sort of "power". I got the impression it was like a protective amulet or charm. However, the kind my father talked about was nothing like the charms shown on the page you linked. In my father's family, "Anting Anting" was something that was passed down from one person to another, and not something just anyone could get. In fact, my father said that his grandfather kept his inside his body somehow. The few times he saw it, my great-gradfather apparently took it out of his mouth. I can't remember the description my father told me, but I did not get the feeling that it had the Catholic symbology seen on the charms from the page you linked. Unfortunately I don't know much more, as my grandmother prevented her father from passing his "Anting Anting" along to my father. She was afraid it would put my father into danger and make him a "troublemaker". Her father was apparently quite a chjaracter, known for his fighting skill and willingness to use that skill. That is also the reason why my father never learned the type of FMA my great-grandfather practiced. It supposedly involved using long sticks or bolos. In any case, learning the martial art and getting the "Anting Anting" were linked. One went with the other. This does agree with other references to "Anting Anting" I have seen over the years. It is usually some sort of protective charm, amulet or tattoo used to protect practitioners of FMA. Something similar but different is the "Orascion". A protective prayer that is often said. I have no direct experience with that, but if you are interested in "Anting Anting", you might want to look into that as well.

Chris Vivo

Menurut Chris Vivo diatas, menjelaskan bahwa Anting-anting itu adalah object yang seharusnya memiliki kemampuan untuk melindungi dan memungkinkan untuk memberikan kamu sejenis "kekuatan", (yah mirip-mirip Jimat katanya). Katanya lagi Anting-anting itu diturunkan turun temurun, dan gak sembarangan orang bisa dapet. Faktanya, kakenya bokapnya si Chris Vivo ini menyimpan Anting-anting itu di dalam tubuhnya..(OMG ga kebayang kalo di tempat yang itu :P), cuman beberapa kali bokapnya itu ngeliat bokapnya (alias kakek si Chris) ngeluarin anting-anting itu dari mulutnya.

There are apparently a wide variety of Anting Anting of Christian, Muslim and Animist varieties.
I have heard of anting anting kept internally.
Usually carved stones that are kept under the tongue or swallowed.
I know a few practitioners who use anting anting and they generally do not talk about them.
From what I understand Oracion are prayers that are often tattoos.
Nah Menurut Tom, jadi banyak jenis Anting-anting itu dari Kristen, Muslim dan animisme. Yang bisanya di simpen di bawah mulut atau ditelan itu biasanya batu yang diukir. Tapi ada juga yang jenisnya tatoo namanya Oracion.

Yang udah baca the LOST SYMBOL nya DAN BROWN pasti sedikit ngerti dan bisa nyambung lah ^_^ (semoga)
Nah ini Gambar-gambar nya gan...PATUT diteliti lebih lanjut maksud dari gambar2 ini...
teruatama Pada hurufnya sama simbol-simbolnya....







Kata-kata Mutiara

Anda tidak mungkin berhasil
menyenangkan semua orang.

Akan selalu ada orang yang tidak puas,
...tidak setuju, dan bahkan tidak menyukai Anda.

janganlah ijinkan kritik dan komentar miring
dari orang lain mengkhawatirkan Anda.

Berfokuslah menjadi pribadi yang baik,
bukan pribadi yang jadinya tidak seimbang
karena berusaha menyenangkan orang tidak baik.

Berbahagialah dengan diri baik Anda.

Mario Teguh

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Islam In America Before Columbus


We have to be proud as Muslim. I found an article about Muslim in the past, the amazing thing is i found an article about Muslim in America before Columbus come, How could this be?..well it was a long story

have a look and read it..

these are the pictures GAN !!

Before I begin this article, I would like to extend my thanks to the creators of the Internet. It was there that I found my research on the topic that follows, and it is to the people who wrote the various articles and references that credit for this article should go to. I merely put two and two together for the benefit of those reading this now. The history surrounding the followers of our proud faith is one of two shades; the truth and the lie. The lies surrounding our history have been spread to every corner of the globe; that we were and are (?) barbarians, no better than animals. The truth is that although there were certain parts of history that do show that some of our followers were ruthless and brutal (such as the Ottoman Empire), this is not unlike every nation and country in the world. And we have a much more worthy things to focus on.

Before the West declared themselves the great scientists of the earth, before their own Renaissance, Muslims already were making discoveries in science that took the West hundreds of years to even begin to imagine. What a shame that people in Europe were being persecuted by the Church for their suppositions that the earth was round; they should have come to the Islamic world--- an Afghan Muslim had proved that in 793 C.E.!

However, the studying of the universe brought forth more questions, and more curiosity. The Muslims in West Africa were so intrigued by what was on the other side of the Great Sea, that they began their expeditions into the great unknown. Early reports of these travels are sketchy, but we can be sure that they crossed the Atlantic by 889 C.E.

That was 603 years before Columbus. And that is not counting the actual physical evidence in the United States today that dates back even further; however, we do know, as De Lacy O'Leary pointed out, that Muslims definitely had the scientific knowledge and skill to make journeys across the Atlantic ocean.

We were in the Americas, hundreds of years before Columbus, and of that we can be sure.

Clyde-Ahmad Winters. Barry Fell. Alexander Von Wuthenau. Ivan Van Sertima. What do they have in common? A lot. They all provided evidence to the above statement; and it is a statement of fact, not an opinion, although many have chosen to ignore it in the past.
Now, we are all aware of the grave tragedy that befell the various African people after the discovery of America. Many people from there were forcefully taken from their homes to America, to serve the people who had taken over that land. Black slavery. We also know, for a fact, that many of these people were indeed Muslims; that has never been in dispute, nor should it be. Clyde Ahmad Winters has given us details of how huge numbers of Muslims were brought to Latin America in a 1978 issue of Al-Ittihad: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic Studies, although later on in 1543, Muslims in Spanish colonies were ejected from them by the residing government.
Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work, "Saga America" that Muslims were not only in the Americas before Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic petroglyphs were found in places such as California.

In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, "Yasus bin Maria" which means in Arabic, "Jesus, son of Mary". This is not a Christian phrase; in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US. In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to 700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics, history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.

The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300 and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was born! Carved heads, that were described as "Moorish-looking" were dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man in a Fez, like the Egyptians.

Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, "They Came Before Columbus" which showed that there was definitely contact between the ancient and early African people with the Native Americans. This and another of his works, "African Presence in Early America" both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea.
And for the record, Christopher Columbus, the man who so-called discovered America, himself declared that his impression of the Carib people (i.e., Caribbean people) were "Mohemmedans." He knew of the Mandinka presence in the New World (Muslims) and that Muslims from the West coast of Africa had settled down in the Carribean, Central, South and North America. Unlike Columbus, they had not come to enslave the populations or plunder the land; they had come to trade and they married among the Natives. Columbus further admitted that on October 21st, 1492, as he was sailing past Gibara on the coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque, and remnants of other masjids have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.
On the second voyage Columbus took to the West Indies, the people of Haiti told him that "black" people had been there before him. They showed him spears of these visitors, and further study of the metals involved in their construction showed that they could have been made only in one place: Guinea.

Another historian, P.V. Ramos, also showed in his essay in "African Presence in Early America" that the dietary regulations of the Carib were similar to Islamic teachings.

But let us say that we are wrong. Perhaps it is all just a coincidence; after all, there are no living survivors of the Native American Muslims, are they?

Wrong. And this last part is what originally drew me into this quest for knowledge: an exposé written by a Native Muslim.

Brother Mahir Abdal-Razzaaq El wrote in his account, recently posted on the Internet, about the Native Americans that were Muslims. He is of the Cherokee tribe; known as Eagle Sun Walker, and a Pipe Carrier Warrior of the Cherokees in New York. He tells of Muslim travellers that came to his land over one thousand years ago, and what is more important, existing evidence of legislation, treaties and resolutions that prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt that Muslims were in the Americas and very active. Although these documents have not been written after 1492, it is still interesting to note that Islam was in fact there. The Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 have the signatures of Abdel-Khak and Mohammed Bin Abdulla. According to a federal court case from the Continental Congress,
Native Muslims helped put life into the constitution.

These are a matter of record; they cannot be disputed. Go to the National Archives or the Library of Congress and see for yourself; the Treat of 1987 show that the Natives abided by an Islamic system in commerce, maritime shipping and government. The records of the State of Carolina has the Moors Sundry Act of 1790. The Cherokee Chief of 1866 was a man called Ramadhan Bin Wati. Native clothing up until 1832 was full Islamic wear. The name Tallahassee actually means," Allah will deliver you sometime in the future." In North America, there are no less than 565 names of tribes, villages, cities, mountains and other lands sites of Islamic or Arabic roots.
The truth of Islam and the truth of the Native American culture is one and the same; many people hundreds of years ago realised that. The protection of the land and of the animals; the non-wastage of resources and the non-pollution of nature are all Islamic concepts.
I finish this article with a few Native sayings. And then, I want you to tell me that Islam is not nurtured in the hearts of these people.
"Our belief is that the Great Spirit has created all things. Not just mankind but animals, all plants, all rocks, all on earth and amongst the stars with true soul. For us, all life is holy. All of nature is within us and we are part of all nature." Chief White Cloud
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night." Crowfoot
"In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty- the duty of prayer - the daily recognition of the Unseen and the Eternal." Ohiyesa
Allahu akbar. Salaam wa allaykum wa rakhmatullah wa barakatu.

When this article was written] Hisham Zoubeir is at the University of Sheffield undertaking a multi-disciplinary degree in law. He has lived in Abu Dhabi, Cairo and London. His main interests delves into peace, equality, righteousness and spirituality.

do not forget the Cendol GAN


OWL in Myth

Several days ago, i watched film with owls for the main character, as i have observed before, many myth about owl related to paganism or totem worship. It is interesting also because i found an article about an owl in one dollar surface. It also my reason "to give a try" explains or provides some information about owl in myth, only at my blog

let's the party started

Owls in Greek & Roman Mythology

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Athene, the Goddess of Wisdom, was so impressed by the great eyes and solemn appearance of the Owl that, having banished the mischievous crow, she honoured the night bird by making him her favourite among feathered creatures. Athene's bird was a Little Owl, (Athene noctua). This Owl was protected and inhabited the Acropolis in great numbers. It was believed that a magical "inner light" gave Owls night vision. As the symbol of Athene, the Owl was a protector, accompanying Greek armies to war, and providing ornamental inspiration for their daily lives. If an Owl flew over Greek Soldiers before a battle, they took it as a sign of victory. The Little Owl also kept a watchful eye on Athenian trade and commerce from the reverse side of their coins.

tetradrachm.JPG (2416 bytes)
Athenian silver tetradrachm
Classical style,  5th century BC.
tetradrachm2.JPG (3227 bytes)
Athenian silver tetradrachm
Hellenistic style, 2nd century BC.
In early Rome a dead Owl nailed to the door of a house averted all evil that it supposedly had earlier caused. To hear the hoot of an Owl presaged imminent death. The deaths of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Commodus Aurelius, and Agrippa were apparently all predicted by an Owl.
"...yesterday, the bird of night did sit Even at noonday, upon the market place, Hooting and shrieking" (from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar")
The Roman Army was warned of impending disaster by an Owl before its defeat at Charrhea, on the plains between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
According to Artemidorus, a second Century soothsayer, to dream of an Owl meant that a traveller would be shipwrecked or robbed.
Another Roman superstition was that witches transformed into Owls, and sucked the blood of babies.
In Roman Mythology, Proserpine (Persephone) was transported to the underworld against her will by Pluto (Hades), god of the underworld, and was to be allowed to return to her mother Ceres (Demeter), goddess of agriculture, providing she ate nothing while in the underworld. Ascalpus, however, saw her picking a pomegranate, and told what he had seen. He was turned into an Owl for his trouble - "a sluggish Screech Owl, a loathsome bird." (Names in brackets indicate the Greek names for the same Gods)

Owls in English Folklore

Folklore surrounding the Barn Owl is better recorded than for most other Owls. In English literature the Barn Owl had a sinister reputation probably because it was a bird of darkness, and darkness was always associated with death. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the poets Robert Blair and William Wordsworth used the Barn Owl as their favourite "bird of doom." During that same period many people believed that the screech or call of an Owl flying past the window of a sick person meant imminent death.
The Barn Owl has also been used to predict the weather by people in England. A screeching Owl meant cold weather or a storm was coming. If heard during foul weather a change in the weather was at hand.
The Custom of nailing an Owl to a barn door to ward off evil and lightning persisted into the 19th century.
Another traditional English belief was that if you walked around an Owl in a tree, it would turn and turn its head to watch you until it wrung its own neck.
Among early English folk cures, alcoholism was treated with Owl egg. The imbiber was prescribed raw eggs and a child given this treatment was thought to gain lifetime protection against drunkenness.
Owls' eggs, cooked until they turned into ashes, were also used as a potion to improve eyesight.
Owl Broth was given to children suffering from Whooping-cough.
Odo of Cheriton, a Kentish preacher the 12th Century has this explanation of why the Owl is nocturnal: The Owl had stolen the rose, which was a prize awarded for beauty, and the other birds punished it by allowing it to come out only at night.
In parts of northern England it is good luck to see an Owl.

Owls in American Indian Culture

Among the different American Indian tribes, there are many diverse beliefs regarding the Owl. Presented here are some of those beliefs.
According to an Indian legend, the 'Spedis Owl' carving was placed on a rock to serve as a protector from the 'water devils' and monsters that could pull a person into the water. The owl on a rock may have also indicated the ownership of that location for fishing.

To an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death.

Cherokee shamans valued Eastern Screech-Owls as consultants as the owls could bring on sickness as punishment.

The Cree people believed Boreal Owl whistles were summons from the spirits. If a person answered with a similar whistle and did not hear a response, then he would soon die.

The Dakota Hidatsa Indians saw the Burrowing Owl as a protective spirit for brave warriors.

The Hopis Indians see the Burrowing Owl as their god of the dead, the guardian of fires and tender of all underground things, including seed germination. Their name for the Burrowing Owl is Ko'ko, which means "Watcher of the dark" They also believed that the Great Horned Owl helped their Peaches grow.

The Inuit believed that the Short-eared Owl was once a young girl who was magically transformed into an Owl with a long beak. But the Owl became frightened and flew into the side of a house, flattening its face and beak.
They also named the Boreal Owl "the blind one", because of its tameness during daylight. Inuit children make pets of Boreal Owls.

Native Northwest coast Kwagulth people believed that owls represented both a deceased person and their newly-released soul.

The Kwakiutl Indians were convinced that Owls were the souls of people and should therefore not be harmed, for when an Owl was killed the person to whom the soul belonged would also die.

The Lenape Indians believed that if they dreamt of an Owl it would become their guardian.

The Menominee people believed that day and night were created after a talking contest between a Saw-whet Owl (Totoba) and a rabbit (Wabus). The rabbit won and selected daylight, but allowed night time as a benefit to the vanquished Owl.

The Montagnais people of Quebec believed that the Saw-whet Owl was once the largest Owl in the world and was very proud of its voice. After the Owl attempted to imitate the roar of a waterfall, the Great Spirit humiliated the Saw-whet Owl by turning it into a tiny Owl with a song that sounds like dripping water.

To the Mojave Indians of Arizona, one would become an Owl after death, this being and interim stage before becoming a water beetle, and ultimately pure air.

According to Navajo legend, the creator, Nayenezgani, told the Owl after creating it " days to come, men will listen to your voice to know what will be their future"

California Newuks believed that after death, the brave and virtuous became Great Horned Owls. The wicked, however, were doomed to become Barn Owls.

In the Sierras, native peoples believed the Great Horned Owl captured the souls of the dead and carried them to the underworld.

The Tlingit Indian warriors had great faith in the Owl; they would rush into battle hooting like Owls to give themselves confidence, and to strike fear into their enemies.

A Zuni legend tells of how the Burrowing Owl got its speckled plumage: the Owls spilled white foam on themselves during a ceremonial dance because they were laughing at a coyote that was trying to join the dance. Zuni mothers place an Owl feather next to a baby to help it sleep.

Below are another mysteries

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 
Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [Blu-ray] 
The Social Network (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray] 
The Gift 
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 

The dream to read poeple minds is near, XWAVE

What is the XWave?
The XWave is the first consumer product priced under $100 which can sense and detect human brainwaves, interpret them and connect it to everyday technology. Brainwave detection and research has been proven for decades and is rooted in medical science. The XWave makes this proven patented technology available at the consumer level for the first time.

The First Picture shows $45k medical grade,30 minutes to install,Requires trained technicians and Not practical for everyday us

The second picture shows $99 consumer grade, 10 seconds to install, User friendly, and Plug and play

What does it do?
In short, your brain is an organ which communicates through electricity with billions of brain cells called "neurons." These pulses or rhythms of electricity can be detected at the surface of the skin with a small antenna. Before XWave, these signals were confusing lines which needed to be interpreted by trained technicians.
Brainwave EEG Bands
Brainwaves are analog signals which range between 0-50Hz. The ranges of frequencies are broken up into bands labeled in the medical industry as:

Delta (0.5 – 2.75 Hz) – Delta waves mainly occur in infants and adults in deep sleep. Delta waves are also known for triggering the release of growth hormone, which provides healing, hence the reason why sleep is so important during the healing process

Theta (3.5-6.75 Hz) – Occur mainly in children during the early stages of sleep and adults when they are emotionally stressed.

Low Alpha (7.5 – 9.5 Hz) and High Alpha (10 – 11.75 Hz) – Occur when a person is relaxed, but alert. During this state, a person is awake but resting. During sleep, alpha waves are replaced by beta waves.

Low Beta (13 – 16.75 Hz) and High Beta (18 – 29.75 Hz) – Occur when an adult is focused, alert or engaged in any form of activity.

Low Gamma (31 – 39.75 Hz) and Mid Gamma (41 – 49
Attention Meter:
Your attention is derived from Beta Waves. These are brainwaves between 13-30Hz. Your beta waves are calculated and then interpreted to give you your attention level. The XWave Visualizer app gives you an opportunity to experiment with your attention level by floating a ball with your mind. 
Meditation Meter:
Your meditation is derived from Alpha Waves. These are brainwaves between 7 - 12Hz. Your alpha waves are calculated and then interpreted to give you your meditation level. The XWave app gives you an opportunity to experiment with your meditation level by changing the color of the screen based on how relaxed or the strength of the meditative state you're in.
Is it safe?
Yes. XWave is perfectly safe and ONLY LISTENS to your brainwaves. It DOES NOT transmit or send any signals.
.75 Hz) – Is associated with higher mental activity including perception and consciousness. It seems to be associated with consciousness. Gamma waves disappear under general anesthesia.
if you interesting with this product, buy me one :P at

Monday, 17 January 2011


Well let's get started ^_^

My name is Brillian and i love mystery, everythings about unexplained accident, UFO, supernatural, science, codes, unsolved cases and many more is my interest.......

well i think thats all of my introduction

I hopes for some money also : p...

but just enjoy my blog

let's go blogging!!

Pockie Ninja